The collection is available, in English and in Italian, on Amazon (book at USD 7,00 EUR 6,18 e-book at USD/EUR 2,99).

In the section "Collections" -  "Delicately ... within us", an excerpt (link to Amazon) from the book is available.

La raccolta è disponibile, in Inglese e in Italiano,  su Amazon (libro a EUR 6,18 USD 7 e-book EUR/USD 2,99

Nella sezione "Raccolte" - "Delicatamente ... dentro di noi", è disponibile un estratto (link per Amazon) del libro.

I would like to thank the poetess Annette Nasser, co-founder and administrator of Poetry Review, for the following splendid and highly professional review of my book "Delicately ... within us". I proudly consider Annette as the voice of the many readers who have shown their appreciation for my poetry. Ringrazio la poetessa Annette Nasser, co-fondatrice e amministratrice di "Poetry Review", per la seguente splendida e altamente professionale recensione del mio libro "Delicatamente ... dentro di noi". Con orgoglio considero Annette la voce dei molti lettori che hanno mostrato il loro apprezzamento per la mia poesia.

Amazon Review of Gianfranco Aurilio's book, "Delicately...Within us"

Sometimes, reading great and profound poetry, touches the very center of our hearts, truly sending tingles and chills of the happy kind! Gianfranco Aurilio has published 12 collections of his poems and drawings, and his poetry has been published in both national and international anthologies. This alone, tells us the passionate poet that he is, as he hails from Rome, one of the most romantic cities of the world!

No sooner than I received the author's book in the mail, I was drawn to the beautiful illustration adorning the front cover, which, the author himself, designed. Once I opened up his book, it was so difficult to even place it anywhere, as it magically drew me in, even more. I read his book like wildfire, and decided his book would immediately make the second review on my list, surpassing all others.

Gianfranco's book is well organized and composed, each poem seems to blend into the next with such ease and passion! Shortly after I finished reading his book, I began a short note to send to him, only to find his words i wrote, continue to fluidly cascade onto paper, I realized then, it would be the subject of this book review.

I am mesmerized by the author's exquisitely written poetry and have already marked my favorites, 11 in all, from his book, connecting with most, something of which he writes so passionately about and yet, it is the favorites I find reading, over and over again. He has his own, unique poetic language, conveying his feelings throughout and relating to his own experiences, events of his life, love and the universe that surrounds him. The more I read his poetry, the more intricate layers with such meaning, depth and perception.

Just to name the first several, his first poem on my list, titled, "To Put it Simply," comparative reasons why he didn't call and yet, in the end, simply missing the person is more than just a call away. The 2nd poem titled, "That Day", another poem of remembering all the wonderful things about that one, special day, yet, in the end, it was the day the author fell in love. Another favorite out of the 11, is about decorating the Christmas Tree, by moving the stars from the sky, one by one, just so he could wish the world a Merry Christmas!

In conclusion, Gianfranco's book is worth reading, from beginning to end, I guarantee his poetry will take you on a poetic journey, never to be forgotten!

Reviewed by: Annette Nasser