I would like to thank the poetess Annette Nasser, co-founder and administrator of Poetry Review, for the following splendid and highly professional review of my book "Delicately ... within us". I proudly consider Annette as the voice of the many readers who have shown their appreciation for my poetry. Ringrazio la poetessa Annette Nasser, co-fondatrice e amministratrice di "Poetry Review", per la seguente splendida e altamente professionale recensione del mio libro "Delicatamente ... dentro di noi". Con orgoglio considero Annette la voce dei molti lettori che hanno mostrato il loro apprezzamento per la mia poesia.

Amazon Review of Gianfranco Aurilio's book, "Delicately...Within us"

Sometimes, reading great and profound poetry, touches the very center of our hearts, truly sending tingles and chills of the happy kind! Gianfranco Aurilio has published 12 collections of his poems and drawings, and his poetry has been published in both national and international anthologies. This alone, tells us the passionate poet that he is, as he hails from Rome, one of the most romantic cities of the world!

No sooner than I received the author's book in the mail, I was drawn to the beautiful illustration adorning the front cover, which, the author himself, designed. Once I opened up his book, it was so difficult to even place it anywhere, as it magically drew me in, even more. I read his book like wildfire, and decided his book would immediately make the second review on my list, surpassing all others.

Gianfranco's book is well organized and composed, each poem seems to blend into the next with such ease and passion! Shortly after I finished reading his book, I began a short note to send to him, only to find his words i wrote, continue to fluidly cascade onto paper, I realized then, it would be the subject of this book review.

I am mesmerized by the author's exquisitely written poetry and have already marked my favorites, 11 in all, from his book, connecting with most, something of which he writes so passionately about and yet, it is the favorites I find reading, over and over again. He has his own, unique poetic language, conveying his feelings throughout and relating to his own experiences, events of his life, love and the universe that surrounds him. The more I read his poetry, the more intricate layers with such meaning, depth and perception.

Just to name the first several, his first poem on my list, titled, "To Put it Simply," comparative reasons why he didn't call and yet, in the end, simply missing the person is more than just a call away. The 2nd poem titled, "That Day", another poem of remembering all the wonderful things about that one, special day, yet, in the end, it was the day the author fell in love. Another favorite out of the 11, is about decorating the Christmas Tree, by moving the stars from the sky, one by one, just so he could wish the world a Merry Christmas!

In conclusion, Gianfranco's book is worth reading, from beginning to end, I guarantee his poetry will take you on a poetic journey, never to be forgotten!

Reviewed by: Annette Nasser

Gnazzo Giuseppina Facebook commento alla raccolta "Menù d'amore"

Come per tutte le raccolte del grande Gianfranco anche questa rappresenta l'amore, l'amore come arma vincente in un mondo cinico e indifferente. I versi delle poesie sono una miriade di inni alla vita, all'amore, di quanto più bello abbiamo nelle nostre vite. Gianfranco è il poeta che sa cantare a 360° un amore che supera tutto, cantato in modo melodico, versatile, dolce e accattivante, un amore che si rivolge a tutti, a tutte le forme di vita , un amore autentico, vero, grande che solo un poeta come lui sa cantare in modo meraviglioso e originale.Lasciate vincere l'amore è un grido di chi sogna ancora un mondo migliore. Bravo Gianfranco non mi stancherò mai di leggere questi versi accorati che catturano l'anima, che infondono coraggio, che anelano e rincorrono un sogno bellissimo :un mondo d'amore.

Daniel Kaunda Jnr Facebook
Mr Aurilio is a spiritual writer. You'll find tranquility in his poems, a river, birds, winds, and a boy running around with a tennis ball.
You'll find peace, love and happiness. Ultimately you'll find yourself. And that's the least a great writer can do. Make you love yourself.

Pablo Garrido Google +
You are one of the finest poets!

Ezequiel Miller Google +
La esperanza que transmiten nuestros sueños para abrirnos paso a la belleza natural de la vida ..
Phyllis Kelley Google + poem "A soldier at war"
Extremely well written ...Would love to read ALL YOU WRITE!!!
Paola Spagnolo Google + poesia "Il galeone del mare d'argento"
Bellissima Gianfranco, i tuoi versi sono soavi .
Ulla Nowakiewitsch Google + poem "The galleon of the silver sea"
einfach toll
Sum James Google+ sharing the poem "The galleon of the silver sea"
Absolutely sigh worthy write by the talented pen of Gianfranco Aurilio
Bellissima Gianfranco ... bravo!
Helena Dias Google + poem "The galleon of the silver sea"
Superb write!! Such is the imagery we feel as we were living all you so well created.
Absolutely lovely and well done! The image is one of your best ... great artist you are!!!
Skylark Hatee introducing the poem "The galleon of the silver sea"
Ladies and gentlemen, a galleon full of beauty from the very talented Gianfranco Aurilio
Sandy Somewhere Google +
Congratulations Gianfranco Aurilio you are quite talented!
very well done. extraordinary dream state imagery. well thought out, well written.
Poetfreak 6 Jan by Toby or not Toby That is the question to The galleon of the silver sea
this was a gem! Well written! fantastic language...
Poetfreak 6 Jan by Vincent Dill to The galleon of the silver sea
Anna M Ayyad Facebook, poem"To you"
Beautiful, beautiful, touched my heart. Your art is enchanting.
Niamh Serendipity Google +poem "To you"
A wonderful thought provoking write shared with a lovely drawing, you're very talented!
Antonella Moles Facebook poesia "A te"
Bellissimi versi e ispirato disegno, un incanto!
Sandra Zanetti Facebook poesia "A te"
Bellissima! Come tutte le tue poesie. Complimenti!
Richard GillaspieGoogle + poem "To you"
Thank you for all your gifts. A lovely poem. It's hard to read, through tears wept in sympathy, but I am glad, for it's company.
For the tears are cleansing me.
Leslie DeLuca Facebook poem "To you"
Oh my Bellissimo. This is a most beautiful heartfelt piece of writing.
Paola Spagnolo Google + poesia "E ancora oltre"
Che bella Gianfranco, mi sono immersa nella tua poesia ed ho vissuto un attimo stupendo.
Fsml All Poetry, poem "A sunset on the hill"
Truly poetic! I loved the imagery and watched as the sun disappeared. loved it!
Katya Mills Google+
Not just anybody can draw like you do. What a gift.
10,000 Ripples Google +
always love your posts
M Macharia Google +, poem "A sunset on the hill"
You created a heartwarming feeling of freedom.
Anna M Ayyad Facebook, poem "Pangram of love"
Such beauty in your words my friend. They play upon the heart so sweetly.

Uma Venkatraman Google + “I'll remember you with the heart”

Supremely sigh-invokingly romantic

Nicoleta Neagoy Google + “A flower”

Absolutely magnificent..."for feeling closer even if near is already far"...and the whole is truly lovely. Congratulations...

Silvia Lazzari Google + “Ti disegnerò col cuore”

Bellissima poesia Gianfranco ... profonda .. suggestiva come vedere un quadro dipinto con il pennello comandato dal tuo cuore tenero e dolce.

Poet Desh Google +

I like your poems very much, they show me the world with a different but wonderful perspective.

Judith Blatherwick, Poem Hunter, “Grape-harvest”

Having read a few of your poems which appear effortless, I read your bio and discover you are a musician. It definitely shows in this and other work I have read by you. Your writing is musical to read.

Di Hai Ying Google + (L'amore è ...)

人如其书 航行在旅途中 “The person whose book sails” “

La persona il cui libro viaggio a vela”

Wjmccarthy AllPoetry "I'd like to tell you"

A picture is worth a thousand words; you have given us a wonderful word picture. Profound!

Ellen A.Garcia Facebook “I'd like to tell you”

Your poems are always beautiful. It seems you write from your heart and that's what makes it touching.

RC deWinter Google + "I'd like to tell you"

Extravagantly romantic. Lovely.

Another choice for the week ending September 3, 2016 is Gianfranco Aurilio's shamelessly romantic confession that never dips into mawkishness. Ah, to have someone write something like this for me and mean...who wouldn't want that?

Soumya Sangita Facebook "Naked heart"

Your words have the ability of transposing human thoughts to that subtle and sublime level...

M Macharia Google + "Naked heart"

Your poem is wonderfully thought-provoking and a well-crafted metaphor.

Karen Blossomworld Hayward Facebook “Countdown”

Gianfranco, this poem is superb, beyond superb, the count down is such a powerful way of highlighting the epic message behind your words. I truly love this.

Helena Dias Google + "Countdown"

Powerful and strong message!!

Green and dark this wonderful and captivating write!!

Cosmas Mairosi Facebook “Countdown”

A Gian masterpiece!

Anna M Ayyad Facebook “Countdown”

Such a sad and true account of what is happening to our world and the critical state of humanity. So very beautifully written.

M Macharia Words on Fire (Weekly Mod Picks)

My mod choice for the week ending September 24, 2016:

+Gianfranco Aurilio showcases his wonderfully imaginative and vivid style of writing in "Countdown".

The anguish expressed by the protagonist really comes across in this description of the plight of the natural environment.

If you haven't had a chance to read this piece I urge you to do so.

Chris Frazier Google + "In the days of the moon"

Took my breath away, such a tender and romantic write Gianfranco.. beautiful...

Usaid Ali Google + "In the days of the moon"

Short and passionately beautiful

When words do flow through the pen of a talented poet, we ge to read amazing poetry like this. Love it

Skylark Hatee Google +


SPECIAL MENTION FOR A FANTASTIC POET/POEM FOR MODERATOR'S PICK OF THE DAY on 10/21/16 by me is a truly heartfelt, stirring piece about the most innocent victims of war.

Congratulations dear Gianfranco Aurilio on your wonderful piece titled, "Children of War", a piece that gives a voice to the voiceless.

RC deWinter Google + Words on Fire (Weekly Mod Picks) “Eyes full of you”

Romanticism to sigh for...one of my choices for the week ending October 29, 2016, penned by that incurable romantic +Gianfranco Aurilio

Christine Goodfield Google + "Along the river"

Such an atmospheric and moving poem, could almost hear n see (in mind's eye that babbling river). Beautiful.

The World needs poets .

Ernest Hemingway

Wjmccarthy AllPoetry “Along the river”

Written with vibrant affinity! The strength and confidence of youth to the reflective scarred older man so beautifully portrayed. And the river changes too, life in sync!

Paul Nil Google + “Let's go fishing, son”

Amazingly ironical write...

M.Macharia POETS The Original (MODS PICK OF THE DAY) Google +

My Mod Pick of the Day is +Gianfranco Aurilio's "Let's go fishing, son".

I was so moved by the loving tone of this poem, and the magical way Gianfranco presented the scene.

I urge you to stop by and read this feel-good poem.

Milka Akinloye Google+ "City lights"

Like a beautiful bullet to the soul, your words glow.

al m Google + "Forever yours"

You are needed in this world to let people realize we all have emotions

Debkumar Datta Facebook “Forever yours”

This poem makes readers forever yours,so to speak,for its ingrained sweetness and hammering disillusionment.I presume your poetic outburst reaches the acme of aesthetic ecstasy through the images 'the castle of dreams' and 'lips /embroidered by passion'.

Lesko Danson Google + "Forever yours"

Your poetry is captivating, thank you for sharing it here. I enjoyed each word so carefully chosen and crafted into such a realistic tale of unfulfilled love, that I was feeling this with you.

M Macharia Google + "Forever yours"

Your words are heart wrenching and magical.

M.Macharia Words on Fire (Weekly Mod Picks) 

My 2nd pick for the week ending December 3, 2016:

I’ve heard writers say that the moon is one of poetry’s most difficult topics to tackle, but Gianfranco Aurilio does it successfully in “Eclipse”.

This poem evokes emotion from the audience with a story line that is un-strained and believable.

Gianfranco makes this style of writing look effortless. Stop for a visit when you get a chance!

AllPoetry “riding the horizon” Cerebriation - Amazing.

But maybe it can be reached. Awesome work personifying the horizon and imagining his dialogue. Great philosophical piece.

Frederick Andrew Google + Words on fire (Weekly Mod Pics) “Riding the horizon”
Dreams, freedom, horizons - things asomatous 😉 with real meaning. Gianfranco allays their ethereal and unreachable nature by positing their allegiance and reminding us that it is in the neverending journey that they truly exist. Destinations are the real illusions.

Frederick Andrew Google + "Like the waves"

Wonderful metaphor for transcendent hope, perseverance and regeneration in the face of inevitable tribulation and hardship.

Debkumar Datta Facebook “Like the waves”

A pleasant composition catering mathematical logic expressed delicately through poetic images/similes highlighting vastness of restless life bedecked with dreams.Dear Gianfranco, I've enjoyed reading it.

Gnazzo Giusepppina Facebook

Buon anno all'artista più puro e melodico che per un anno intero ci fa compagnia e ci fa viaggiare con le bellissime melodie dell'animo ti auguro un anno ricco di grandi emozioni e di grande arte come sanno fare pochi..

Ed Ostrom - AllPoetry "Positive sensations"

Great - Lovely penning with strong imagery. A pleasure to read. Thank you for sharing.

Danny Waters - AllPoetry "Positive sensations" 

Well imagined. With a simple easy flow. Enjoyed it.

Papa Terminus - AllPoetry "Positive sensations"

Nicely written. Very good descriptions in this verse I was moved an felt a sense of peace reading this.

Gnazzo Giuseppina Facebook “Sensazioni positive”

Le poesie di Gianfranco sono davvero belle ...come farfalle spensierate, come sussurri d'amore, come bollicine effervescenti, come melodie dolcissime coinvolgono il lettore lasciando una sensazione di bellezza, di poesia e positiva...

María Dolores Gil Google + “I will come back in the Spring”

 Muy bonito, tienes una poesía muy delicada, muy hermosa.Tienes una facilidad para expresar los sentimientos.

Prout AllPoetry "I will come beack in the Spring"

This is a compellling poem that beautifully paints romantic images. you have a gift to use words to paint pictures, so keep it up.

Judith Blatherwick Poem Hunter "I will come beack in the Spring"

A very beautiful love poem. Perfect in sentiment and tone.

Michael James Garland Google + "Homo naturae"

This is magical dear poet, such flow as this is a pleasure to speak aloud. Your words are beautiful Masterful!!

Solange Piauilino Google + "Homo naturae"

Suas palavras chegam como o nascer do sol e aquece a noite!

Jamadhi Verse Hello Poetry “Homo naturae”

Absolutely gorgeous. Every line is magic.

Laughing waters Google+ "Love is not chains"

Wow ,,fantastic absolutely love it ,,you left me hungry for more now,,

Michaela MS Google+ "L'amore non è catene"

Una favola reale ... bellissima.

Doricelba Alvarado Facebook “One more time”

 You are the Best My friend you do amazing, is  beautiful fantástic l love congratulations.

Pingu Google + “Ancora una volta”

Sempre stupende emozioni …....!!!!

Thomas Morgan Google + “Drought”

That's insanely sad. So simple of words, yet so tormenting with reality as only some could understand.

Kanta Roy Google + "Drought"

not the place for good criticism.. but , though hidden.. it is perfect! you write with heart.. may God bless You! Your ink!

Milka Akinloye Google + "Drought"

I'm thirsty for more..

Betania Mia Google + "Drought"

Really sad. A great descriptive write of some people's misery.

Helena Dias Google + "Drought"

talking about injustice and ... can be done in a lovely way and usually it's more effective!!

Heartfelt , brilliant ... beauty and candor and awareness shine here!!

Frederick Andrew Google + "Drought"

Masterful showing through potent imagery in a spare package. So many layers here!

Savor slowly and often.

ImperfectMadness All Poetry "Drought"

A very different type of writing.Beautifully crafted!!Inspiring work! Congratulations on this wonderful write.

Robert Murray Smith Poem Hunter "On a late afternoon in springtime"

We can be very happy in nature. A nice poem. Imagery excellent. +++10

Michaela MS Google + "L'altro lato della sensibilità"

Non è  di tutti e per per tutti sentire come tu scrivi ... le tue parole dolcemente accompagnano il sorriso.

Helena Dias Google + "The other side of sensitivity"

Silky depth!!

Sourav Biswas Google + "My drug"

Very elegant. It show the command you have on poetry and its words.

Robert Andrews Google + "My drug"

Quite the love that love must be. Ty +Gianfranco Aurilio​ for sharing your marvelous creation.