Like a Harlequin (1)
When the sky dresses up like a Harlequin,
free to give vent to his passions,
I would like to get on that stage
and dance with him.
I would sing the melodies
that life has taught me,
while I was locked in a room
or without words
I would walk around the city,
looking at things I didn't understand
and dreaming of the only things
that instead I did understand,
those melodies
that make you see
how beautiful life could be
and that you can sing
only when the sky
dresses up like a Harlequin,
locked in a room
thinking and thinking again
how beautiful life could be.
December 7, 2020
(1) Harlequin is one of the principal stock characters of the Italian Art Commedy; Harlequin’s checkered costume was covered with many coloured patches.