Dear readers, the original poem is in Italian and even in my language its words and its construction sound unusual. You may imagine the great difficulty I had in translating it into English. I apologize with you for my translation. Please, accept it as an effort to overcome the barriers of the language, because literature must not have frontiers.

You are
like every moment
spent together,
intense moments
Summer storm,
sweet eyes that talk
and draw hugs,
moments fleeing,
stop, Time,
and let Love
last a life,
sensual moments
tight tight
full of pleasure
moans, quivers,
my heart leaps.
You are
and I could never
forget you
and may the day not come
nor the night
without you
desert otherwise,
far away from you,
hands that cling
to the void of nothing,
just for a while with you
nettle tears
that burn the skin
in impotent memories,
never again with you
chanting the Unforgettable
among lines of verses
that seek
in the crevices of memory
useless reliefs.



come ogni attimo
trascorso insieme,
attimi intensi
temporale d’estate,
occhi che parlano
mimando abbracci,
fermati, Tempo,
e fa’ che Amore
duri una vita,
stretti stretti
di piacere immersi
gemiti fremiti
il cuore sobbalza.
né mai dimenticarti
e non sia giorno
non sia notte
senza di te
deserto altrimenti,
lontano da te
mani che s’aggrappano
al vuoto del niente,
solo per poco con te
lacrime d’ortica
che la pelle bruciano
negli impotenti ricordi,
mai più ancora con te
cantando l’Indimenticabile
tra versi che cercano
negli anfratti della memoria
inutili sollievi.