my left cheek
grazes the Eastern sea
and the right one
grazes the Western sea,
on that strip
of sand and dreams,
I wait for the tide
to flood me
and I wish
that just one sea can,
for just one night,
transform me into a man
with just one home.
Prassonissi is the far southern part of Rodi Island. It is a promontory joined to the island by a strip of sand, which separates the Aegean Sea from the rest of the Mediterranean Sea. With the high tide the two seas join together causing the phenomenon known as “The kiss of the two seas”.
Il miracolo di Prassonissi
la mia guancia sinistra
sfiora il mar d’Oriente
e quella destra
il mar di Ponente,
su quella striscia
di sabbia e sogni,
aspetto che la marea
mi sommerga
e che un solo mare,
per una sola notte
mi renda uomo
di una sola terra.